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Ohloh Analysis...
is a calendar application using a timeline visualization with nearly
unrestricted zooming. Thereby historical timelines, family history, and
biographical information are manageable in the same way as day-to-day
tasks, project management or life planing.
Calizo is an open-source cross-plattform desktop application.
Basic idea
A linear timeline provides the possibility to arrange events and time
periods at very different time scales. By dynamically changing scales,
i.e. zooming in and out, time scales of astronomy and evolution
fall into the same category as historic, biographic or family history
time scales. Also timescales of projects or your day to day tasks then
are of the same kind. To go further also events in the future are
manageable this way, to provide the possibility to plan and develop
By linking files, folders or URLs to events and time periods, this time
view display not only visualizes information, but also allows you to
access information in a time organized manner. For example your future
project event not only allows you to see when you plan to start and how
long you plan to work for it, but also provides a direct link to the
folder where you have all the files related to this project.
Thereby a general calendar application is provided, combining not only
features of genealogy, project management, and scheduling, but also
provide a file manager like way of organizing links and files in a
temporal order.
Of course a timeline can also be drawn with a non-linear time mapping. Like
a logarithmic mapping, showing events denser on the left and more spread out
on the right. Or an interactive lense acting as a magnifier could also provide
interesting further possibilities of handling time related information. Another
feature of parallel timelines is comparablity - e.g. you can directly compare the
biographic information of your grandfather with your own, alligned by birth date,
so that you compare life events at the same age of the person.
The potential in my oppinion is huge - and Calizo tries to do its best to provide a first investigation
in the direction of this domain of temporal personal and interpersonal information
management. Calizo is open-source under the GPL licence, and developers are welcome to
join! Or to combine the timeline view developed here with other applications (like a zoomable
time line view in a standard calendar program like sunbird, or a time line view as a plug in for