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Ohloh project report for Calizo
last updated 14.Apr 2008
Links related to calendar, scheduling, project management, biography, genealogy, timeline view, and zoomable interfaces.
Feel free to send your links in (via sourceforge messages to the calizo project to user s_fischer).
(The content that these links lead to is not under the responsibleness of the author of this page.)

The idea of this page is to collect everything that relates to a linear time view, a "time line", with events or time periods on it, providing several time scales by dynamically changing the zoom level. Therefore timescales of evolution and astronomy fall into the same category as biographic and family history time ranges, as well as project time scales and day to day tasks. Also future time events for planing and developing alternatives are in the scope. By linking files, folders or URLs to events and time ranges, a time line view also becomes a way of managing your personal information, a kind of temporal file manager.

Calendar projects or calendar containing projects


With ical import/export

Sunbird Mozilla based calendar and tasks. Day, week, multiweek, ad month view. Import and export in ical format. URLs in events possible, but only accessile through event dialog.
Lightening Mozilla based calendar and tasks, plugin for email client or webbrowser. Day, week, month view. Difference to Sunbird (currently): No multiweek view, no printing. Import and export in ical format.
Monocalendar Mono based calendar. Day, week, and month view. Import and export in ical format.
Moonbird Java based. Day, week, month, list view. Import and export in ical format.
Chandler Python involved project. Day and week view. Import and export in ical format.
BORG Java based. Day, week, and month view. Import and export in ical format.

Without ical import/export

Calypso Java based calendar with contacts and tasks, plans to include email, gantt charts etc. Day and week view, no month view. No import or export in common formats yet.
Panda Java based calendar with contacts and notes. List of events view only. No import or export in common formats yet.


PHP iCalendar Php based.Day, week, month and kind of year view.

Closed Source

Bellevue (aka Outlook) Strange name. A nice attempt to generate something usable. No link available.
iSomething A first implementation on an unknown operating system, has an x in it but is not Unix. No link available.

Personal timeline, biography or genealogy


Gramps Gnome genealogy program, also available for Windows.
GenealogyJ Java based.
See also: Wikipedia - Genealogy Software


PhpGedView Views GEDCOM files in internet formats and charts. Allows editing and collaboration.
See also: Wikipedia - Genealogy Software

Closed Source

LivingTime Personal memory manager with list, and timeline chart, calendar, diary, anniversaries. Imlemented as database frontend. No easy import/export.

Timeline view


Calizo wxWidgets/C++ based (cross-platform) calendar, project manager, genealogy, for tasks and links. Zoomable view. Using ical format.


SMILE Creates AJAX based timeline views. See also MyTimelines timeline creator.
Calendar Component by Adobe using Flex 2. Available?

Closed Source / Research Projects

TimeZoom Project developing a zoomable timeline view at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany.

Project Management


Gantt Project Project management using gantt charts.
OpenProj Project management with MS Project import.

Closed Source

Various project management software uses gantt charts.

Zooming User Interfaces

Piccolo Java toolkit for zooming interfaces.
Hypergrid Project using zoomable interface techniques.See also Wikipedia on Zooming User Interfaces.

Formats and conversion

iCal (also XML with iCalendar elements - link)
RDF Calendar, Semantic Web Calendaring
GEDCOM Genealogy format.
TLML Timeline XML format project. Status?
XML Internet Timeline Project
SGML/XML SVG Timeline (link)?

Timeline content

Ontoworld semantic MediaWiki.
WikiTimecale Provides also the Wiki software?
James Joyce Timeline
Netzspannung Timelilne also a nice example of shockwave and java based timelines. has also timelines available.
List of centuries at Wikipedia

Other link collections on these topics

SWIK Thread on timeline.
lifehacker Blog entry on timeline generation with SMILE.
Wikipedia - Genealogy Software Collection of genealogy software
Sourceforge Categories Scheduling, or more specific Calendar, or Time Tracking, ToDo-Lists, and Project Management.